The TARGET protocol | Your 6-step plan for side effects
Dr. Christine Boers-Doets, the Side Effects Doctor



The TARGET protocol

Dr. Christine Boers-Doets explains

A substantial number of patients on targeted anticancer therapy cannot complete their lifesaving or life-sustaining treatment as planned due to severe or persistent side effects associated with these agents, which may affect clinical outcomes. An effective approach to side effects is needed in order to help patients complete treatment as planned. Initiation of the most appropriate side effect treatment is more likely to occur if the 6 steps of the TARGET method are taken.

- Dr. Christine Boers-Doets, Senior Side Effects Expert, CancerMed Side Effects Institute, Wormer, The Netherlands



Dr. Christine Boers-Doets, the Side Effects Doctor

Side effects eliminated out of the world…

~ 1 in the 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer

~ 42% of cancer patients will be treated with a targeted therapy

~ 38% of patients cannot complete their treatment as planned due to persistent side effects

Patients report feeling distraught they don’t have effective solutions for their side effects, which jeopardizes their ability to maintain their treatments AND decreases their chances of survival.

Here, the fire extinguisher comes in. I explain in the TARGET System book why you should use a fire extinguisher. In many cases, this means corticosteroids. Corticosteroids are 98% successful in terms of the side effects of targeted therapies. But you can avoid using corticosteroids. How? I tell you the details in the book.



Take control by applying the TARGET-method on the side effects of targeted anticancer therapy. 


Save time by optimizing your side effect strategies & get serious results within 48 hours. No dose modifications are needed.


Endow life by enabling patients to complete their lifesaving or life-sustaining anticancer treatment due to controlled side effects.

Download our whitepaper

If the 6 steps of the TARGET strategy are followed, initiation of the most appropriate side effect treatment is more likely to occur.

You have three options

READ the book

Get the book that helps you take control of side effects:

  • Master the 6 TARGET-steps
  • Learn Why to Hit Hard, Early & Short
  • Get Serious Results!

TAKE the eCourse

Pay attention to crucial steps

The eCourse that teaches you  how you can eliminate side effects within 48 hours

PARTICIPATE in the app


The app will help to monitor & treat the side effects of targeted anticancer therapy

Endorsements for the TARGET method

Endorsement by Wouter Jacobs, MD

Dr. Jacobs encourages pulmonologists and nurses to implement the TARGET method, especially for targeted and immunotherapy-associated mucocutaneous side effects, in their institutions.

- Wouter Jacobs, MD, Pulmonologist Martini Hospital, The Netherlands

Endorsement by Berty de Koning

"I developed 90% of the side effects that can come along with panitumumab. With the help of the TARGET method, I was able to relieve the side effects within 48 hours every time. Even the nail of this finger was not removed at the emergency room because it was treated effectively with vinegar bathes, supported with antibiotics. Simple, effective, and fast!"

- Berty de Koning, treated for colorectal cancer, Leiderdorp, The Netherlands

Endorsements by key opinion leaders

It's a Key Tool!
“The six steps in the TARGET method are very helpful in a busy clinical setting or during research protocols."

Mario E. Lacouture, MD

Dermatology Service

Department of Medicine

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York, USA

Promotes Continuation of Therapy!
"Chris is dedicated to improving patients' quality of life by finding solutions for every single patient."

Joel B. Epstein, DMD

Division of Otolaryngology &

Head & Neck Surgery, City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA

It's a Unique, Practical Tool!
"The six steps can be very helpful to manage complicated side effects, and it is more likely that the entire extent is explored and treated in the right way.”

Erik van Muilekom, MANP

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (AVL) Hospital & Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) Amsterdam, The Netherlands & Past-president of EONS

Endorsements by patients


"I suffered calluses my entire life, but the calluses grew exponentially large while on regorafenib. I was not able to walk anymore or enjoy my hobby. Christine explained how to apply the TARGET strategy on the calluses and how I could get rid of them. I followed the strategy, and you can see the result: I am still on regorafenib AND can enjoy my hobby again. The TARGET strategy led to hemorrhoid cream. Amazing what hemorrhoid cream on the hand palms and foot soles can do!"


"I developed 90% of the side effects that can accompany panitumumab. With the TARGET strategy's help, I could relieve the side effects within 48 hours every time. Even the nail of this finger was not removed at the emergency room because it was treated effectively with vinegar baths supported by antibiotics. 

Simple, effective, and fast!"


"My mother was diagnosed with NSCLC in September 2012 and treated with gefitinib. She wanted to stop treatment due to extremely painful nail folds. 

Through Christine’s simple but effective measures, resulting from the TARGET strategy, my mother was able to continue treatment for 5 more years!"

Endorsements for the TARGET-eCourse

Endorsement by Marianne Klinkhamer

Marianne is a Nurse Practitioner at Tergooi Hospital in The Netherlands. She is very experienced in side effects management and has followed many of Dr. Christine’s lectures, workshops, and training.

Even so, she knows that following the six steps of the TARGET-method brings her way better results, she often forgets steps 2 to 5 of the TARGET-method resulting in less effective side effects measures.

The TARGET-eCourse helps her to update her side effects skills, but in a busy daily practice, she sometimes forgets to apply the 6 steps.

Therefore, she invested in the TARGET app because she is aware that the app will help her follow all six steps in consecutive order without missing one single step.


- Marianne Klinkhamer, MANP, Tergooi Hospital, The Netherlands

Endorsement by Sonja Gründemann

Explore why Sonja Gründemann decided to join the Side Effects Detox and the Side Effects Expert Program, where we teach how to apply the TARGET method in daily practice.


-  Sonja Gründemann, Expert for your Successful Appearance, Hamburg, Germany

Endorsement by Wemke Tuinier

Wemke explains why the side effect training based on the TARGET method is very useful for clinical nurse specialists and nurses working in the oncology field. Also, note the red-green-orange sign with skincare products. Knowledge about these products is essential when treating patients with targeted therapy for cancer.


- Wemke Tuinier, MANP, Treant Care Group, hospital location Bethesda, The Netherlands

Ferdinand Haslbauer, MD  Oncology, Salzkammergut Klinikum Vöcklabruck, Austria


Despite several existing guidelines on how to handle the side effects of targeted therapies, Christine´s HHES approach (Hit Hard Early & Short), as part of the TARGET method, emphasized correct dosing of different corticosteroids, their equivalence dosages, their anti-inflammatory properties, and the necessary duration of treatment.

- Ferdinand Haslbauer, MD, Oncology, Salzkammergut Klinikum Vöcklabruck, Austria

Is this You?

Are you ready to become more successful in side effects management?

Endorsement by Olivia Pagani


"In August 2018, Christine held a two-day course on side effects management at our Breast Cancer Unit in preparation for implementing an outpatient clinic. Medical oncologists, breast and oncology nurses, pharmacists, and patient advocates were participants.

The interdisciplinary training Christine provided was very effective and very much appreciated. She triggered participants to be actively involved. Her systematic adverse event and cancer medication approach is easy to apply in daily practice.

After the training, she was available for online consultation, which allowed us to test what we learned and to continue to be updated.

The TARGET method we learned can easily be applied to future medications. We will definitely continue to work with CancerMed and be ready to recommend her training to other institutions."

- Prof. Olivia Pagani | Medical Oncologist Breast Unit and Institute of Oncology of Southern Switzerland,  CSSI - Centro di Senologia della Svizzera Italiana,  Ospedale Regionale di Lugano, Italiano, Ospedale Regionale di Bellinzona e Valli, S. Giovanni

"The TARGET-method enables practitioners to be successful"
"Christine’s experiences, expertise & assistance provided me with a solid grounding in the evidence guiding the approaches & interventions she described and demonstrated, and practical considerations to enable practitioners to be successful."

Dr. Frans Krouwels, MD

Pulmonologist, Spaarne Hospital
Hoofddorp, The Netherlands

Due to the insights, we significantly improved our work!"
"Christine taught us the benefits of applying the TARGET method to side effects. We were most impressed by the way Christine communicates with her patients. Her ASK method, as part of the TARGET method, has become a fixed part of our communications with our patients. Due to the insights, we significantly improved our work!"
DGKP Karin Pennetzdorfer & Bianca Schedler

Bianca Schedler & Karin Pennetzdorfer 

DGKP's Oncology, Salzkammergut Klinikum Vöcklabruck, Austria

"It actually makes a lot of sense!"
"I love the six steps of the TARGET method, especially the first step, finding the appropriate side effect subtype. Finally, a simplification and the distinction between side effects from chemo and targeted therapy were real eye-openers. The distinction between mucositis and stomatitis and between hand-foot syndrome and hand-foot skin reaction was enlightening. It actually makes a lot of sense if you look at it that way."
Nele Debbaut, oncology nurse medical oncology / radiation therapy. Ghent University Hospital, Belgium
Nele Debbaut, 

Oncology nurse medical oncology / radiation-therapy. Ghent University Hospital, Belgium

Endorsement of the TARGET book

A Tool for a Broad Audience!
“This book makes evidence-based research and years of practical experience available to a broad audience."

Erik van Muilekom, MANP

Antoni van Leeuwenhoek (AVL) Hospital & Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) Amsterdam, The Netherlands & Past-president of EONS

Practical Steps!
"This book provides healthcare professionals with practical steps to approach mucocutaneous adverse events systematically and effectively, improving therapy outcomes and quality of life.”

Joel B. Epstein, DMD

Division of Otolaryngology &

Head & Neck Surgery, City of Hope, Duarte, CA, USA

Follow the System!
"I encourage all practitioners who care for patients treated with targeted cancer therapies to follow The Target System, as it will undoubtedly improve the care & quality of life of people living with cancer.“

Mario E. Lacouture, MD

Dermatology Service

Department of Medicine

Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (MSKCC), New York, USA

We'll help you take the guesswork out of choosing the most appropriate side effect treatment option so your success in cancer medication can grow.

Endorsements for the TARGET app

Endorsement by Rania Azmi

Are you curious why I endorse the TARGET app?

Read my letter of Endorsement.

- Rania Azmi, Ph.D. Founder of "Alexandrite Decisions" Member of Wharton's Executive Advisory Boards

President of Fadia Survive & Thrive Intl Cancer Association  

Endorsement by Ellen Kooijmans

Are you curious why I endorse the TARGET app?

Read my letter of Endorsement and my blog (in Dutch).

Patient Advocate of Breast Cancer Association Netherlands (Borstkanker Vereniging Nederland, BVV)

Endorsement by Ourania Niccolatou- Galitis

Are you curious why I endorse the TARGET app?

Read my letter of Endorsement.

- Prof. Dr. Ourania Nicolatou-Galitis DDS, MSc, DrDent,

Hospital Dentistry, National & Kapodistrian University of Athens

CureCancer, Driven by the patient; Scientific Responsible CureCancer,

Ecancer Lead of ONJ educational module,  

Member of the Health Systems and Treatment Optimization Network, European Cancer Organization - ECCO, as Representative of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC)

Endorsement by René-Jean Bensadoun

Are you curious why I endorse the TARGET app?

Read my letter of Endorsement.

- Prof René-Jean Bensadoun, Chairman, Centre de Haute Energie (CHE), Nice, France