Side Effects Mastery Intensive

Side Effects Mastery Intensive

With SIDE EFFECTS MASTERY INTENSIVE you learn in 10 weeks

 how to apply up-to-date, congruent, and profound side effects measures for side effects that go along with targeted therapies in hemato-oncology

SIDE EFFECTS MASTERY INTENSIVE is the only program with the in-depth support & accountability you need to leave behind the outdated, fragmented, and shallow side effects measures that will not bring you the desired outcome. We'll teach you our easy-to-apply repeatable system, which you can use again and again on as many side effects as you want so you can overcome your challenges & make tangible progress in getting side effects in control.

Everyone expects you to deliver excellent side effects care...

...and they are not wrong!

So, you want to deliver excellent side effects care too, but you have no idea which strategy to follow? This is because:

>>> You feel like tackling side effects is an uphill battle.

>>> While it’s the most vital part, getting side effects in control, feels like the hardest challenge.

>>> When you apply side effects measures, you only get a few side effects somewhat in control, or none at all.

If that sounds familiar, you’re not alone.

I’ve been there, too!

When my first patients were treated with targeted anticancer therapy, I barely succeeded in getting side effects in control quickly and effectively.

I had to learn the long and hard way back then that the side effects treatment myths just don't work.

Dr. Christine Boers-Doets, the Side Effects Doctor

My breakthrough

That all changed when I made a paradigm shift. My side effects paradigm used to be that treatment modification should be based on the side effects severity. This way I was limited in my possibilities. My belief closed doors!

When I realized that treatment modifications should be based on the treatability of side effects, doors opened up to me and countless possibilities arose.

My Side Effects Paradigm Shift was the key to increasing my side effects success rate dramatically. With this insight, I created an easy-to-apply repeatable system I could use again and again on as many side effects as I wanted.

By applying the 6-step system, I went from being distraught with barely any side effects in control to 98% of the side effects in control within 48 hours.

I can't wait to share my insights with you, so you can achieve the same results. 

And I will share with you what the fire extinguisher has to do with it!

Dr. Christine Boers-Doets, the Side Effects Doctor

I'm here to help you with my Side Effects Curriculum!

Since then, I’ve helped thousands of oncology practitioners  go from overwhelmed, frustrated, and stuck in side effects care to take impactful and consistent action that results in achieving excellent side effects care delivery:

  • 98% of the side effects are in control.
  • Dramatic decrease of moderate or severe side effects to mild within 48 hours.
  • Almost no dose delays, dose reductions, and discontinuations!

While these numbers sound great and impressive, you might be doubting that this is something you can do. Or maybe you’ve done it but you’re not sure you could again.

That’s why I created a Side Effects Curriculum to help YOU to succeed in side effects management too.

Your Christine

Senior Side Effects Expert and founder of CancerMed Side Effects Institute

What participants say about Christine's Coaching Method:

"What I love about the coaching are the practical tips (e.g., hamamelis cream).
Also, the networking and sparring during the Q&A sessions. Looking beyond the borders. So inspiring!"
Marianne Klinkhamer, 

Clinical Nurse Specialist Oncology,
Tergooi Hospital, The Netherlands

"Christine stays very herself; it is obvious she knows what she is talking about without overwhelming me with information. I found the practical examples very appealing."

Simone Dokter,
Clinical Nurse Specialist gastrointestinal oncology,
Netherlands Cancer Institute    

"What changed most for me by participating is applying the HHES-method with side effects: Act quick, hard, and short."
Maarten van Elst,

Clinical Nurse Specialist Urology,

UMC Utrecht Cancer Center,

The Netherlands

Decision Time

  • Yesssss, I am joining the SIDE EFFECTS MASTERY INTENSIVE.
  • THE online campus where I learn in 10 weeks how to apply up-to-date, congruent, and profound side effects measures for side effects that go along with targeted therapies in hemato-oncology.
  • Yes, I want the support, structure, direction, accountability & advice I need to overcome my challenges & make tangible progress in excellent side effects care delivery.

What You Get

Here are all the support and accountability you get with


When you join us for this intensive, you’ll get:

1. Weekly Q&A (worth €197 per month)

In addition to the weekly personal 1-on-1 coaching moments, we also want to give you the opportunity to spar with other side effects masters. This means that during the weekly Q&As you have the chance to ask questions, brainstorm, and ask for feedback from Christine and like-minded people. This gives you a unique panel of peers who will help you grow.

2. Access to Recordings of all Calls (worth €147 per month)

So that you can come back to them during the time of the coaching intensive and won’t miss out on anything. Also, support your team members who couldn’t attend live and this way can quickly catch up.

3. Side Effects Campus Community (worth €147 per month)

You will have access to the online side effects campus community where you can connect with other ambitious hemato-oncology side effects masters-to-be.

Here you will receive the help and support you need with your side effects issues, get feedback, share your wins, and celebrate successes. You can contact the online community 24/7 with all your questions and/or uncertainties.

In addition, Christine is available every weekday to answer your questions! So you are never alone again and you always have your peers and Christine to fall back on. In addition, you also have an additional stick behind the door.

4. Your Own SIDE EFFECTS MASTERY Buddy (priceless)

To bounce ideas off each other, have a mini-mastermind and get additional peer support.

5. 3 months of implementation support (worth €997 per year)

After the 10-week program, you immediately get access to the Side Effects Campus Membership which means, you keep access to the masterclasses, recordings, and weekly Q&A. In fact, only the 1-on-1 coaching comes to an end, but access to the rest will remain. Why? We know that after a while you get distracted when you are no longer surrounded by like-minded peers. The membership helps you to keep the implementation momentum going, which means to help you in continuing to succeed.

And there is more waiting for you…

We have added Amazing Bonuses so that you can get even more out of your SIDE EFFECTS MASTERING INTENSIVE:

1. Mobile App (worth €47 per month)

You get access to the Huddle app. This makes it possible to directly consult all coaching calls, masterclasses, and associated documentation on the work floor. That’s very practical.

2. Easy-to-implement Copy (priceless)

For all the materials you need to deliver excellent side effects care - from questionnaires to checklists and protocols, you can simply adjust the copy to fit your institution/department's needs and save huge amounts of time and money (This alone is worth joining SIDE EFFECTS MASTERY INTENSIVE)!

3. Live Masterclasses & Access to the Recordings (worth €97 per month)

Every month you can attend live masterclasses and view the recordings in the masterclasses vault. You can apply the practical tips that you receive in these masterclasses immediately and also discuss them with your colleagues and your side effects coach.

How to get started



I'm signing up for the


 Payment Methods Accepted:

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Need help or have questions?

Email us at

About Christine & CancerMed

If we haven't met before, I'm Christine, a side effects expert in targeted therapy for cancer, nurse-scientist, author, trainer, coach, and mentor.

I help people who are professionally or privately facing the side effects of (targeted) therapies in hemato-oncology to master them hard, early & short.

At nursing school, they train about many topics that are important. But a curriculum about systematic side effects approaches I have never heard of. That’s why I created a Side Effects Curriculum to help YOU to succeed in side effects management too.

CancerMed Side Effects Institute really focuses on the fundamentals that it takes to manage side effects effectively, without taking patients off their lifesaving or life-sustaining drug.

If you want to avoid the heartbreaking situation in which we are treating the cancer, and as a result, saddle the patients up with imposing, debilitating, and devastating side effects that demand more attention than the cancer and cancer treatment itself, your measures need some work.

  • I had to learn the long and hard way back then that the side effects treatment myths just don't work.
  • A PARADIGM SHIFT was the key to increasing my side effects success rate dramatically.
  • And now you can get the shortcut.😊

Our secret? We don’t take the escape route and perform dose delays or dose reductions to get side effects in control.

We eliminate the side effects!

Cancer treatment has a scoreboard. That scoreboard shows the results you book with your interventions. When your patients can’t complete treatment as planned due to severe and sustaining side effects and are therefore taken from their lifesaving or life-sustaining drug, your scoreboard shows you a low number.

We train our students, HOW they can drive the numbers up. So, in the end, patients get better outcomes. And that’s what we do everything for. That’s our priority, actually help patients stay on their lifesaving or life-prolonging treatment as long as needed.

That’s what we are really looking for from our students. So, I helped a lot of desperate people like patients, nurses, physicians, and pharmaceutical representatives get started in effective side effects management, and now I want to help YOU.

Start optimizing your side effects strategies today with the SIDE EFFECTS MASTERY INTENSIVE.

To your side effects mastery success!

Your Christine

Refund Policy

Read This Carefully

All programs and products created by CancerMed Side Effects Institute are packed full of value, but you need to be willing to take action now, to step up and take advantage of what you get. We guarantee you’ll have all the support, structure, direction, accountability, and advice you need to overcome your challenges and make tangible progress.  

All you need to do is show up, get involved, take action, and trust the process. If you can do that, you can absolutely celebrate amazing results and create real success. We guarantee that we will provide all that you need to accomplish excellent side effects care delivery if you are willing to focus, put your hand up, ask questions in the community, take advantage of the coaching calls, and implement the strategies we share with you.  

Consequently, CancerMed Side Effects Institute has a no refund policy. We believe that guarantees offer an excuse for people to give up – it’s for those who don’t take action. For people who sit on their hands and wonder why nothing’s changing.

If that’s you, you’re in the wrong place, and we wish you all the best.

Marianne Klinkhamer, MANP:
"With up-to-date side effects care, you can prevent patients from quitting the therapy. That’s really very special."

Are you also determined to deliver excellent side effects care? Then sign up now.

Looking for more information?

You have now read the essentials of the SIDE EFFECTS MASTERY INTENSIVE. In case you want more information before you make a decision, I have written an extended page for you in which you can read more in-depth information about the intensive and where you also find more testimonials. You can access the detailed page through the button below.

Frequently Asked Questions

About the Side Effects Mastery Intensive

Tell me straight: is this really worth the money?

YES, if you’re ready to really invest in your side effects care delivery AND you’re ready to implement what you learn. Isn’t a life worth that investment? Imagine it would be you or one of your loved ones? Wouldn’t you try to do everything you could to help him or her to get rid of the side effects?
So, if you want to avoid the heartbreaking situation in which we are treating the cancer, and as a result, saddle the patients up with imposing, debilitating, and devastating side effects that demand more attention than the cancer and cancer treatment itself, then SIDE EFFECTS MASTERY INTENSIVE is the program you need.
This means it is very simple: In order to make it work, you need to take action. The strategies we teach will help you get side effects in control in less time. So, the real question is: what’s the cost of not taking this intensive?

How much time do I need to devote to SIDE EFFECTS MASTERY INTENSIVE?

SIDE EFFECTS MASTERY INTENSIVE is about achieving excellent side effects care delivery, so it is 90% action and 10% inspiration and content.
Ideally, you devote about 60 minutes a week to attending the coaching calls and implementing the gained knowledge with every patient consultation.
In addition, ideally, you join the 60-minute Q&A calls live or you watch the recordings afterward.

How much time will we get with Christine?

Great question! You’ll get access to Christine through the weekly coaching calls, and the peer group (the community), including the Q&A calls which means you get all the advice and feedback you need to succeed.

Can I pay with an invoice instead of online payment?

Yes, that’s possible too. We request you to pay upfront, since taking care of invoices costs a lot of time and attention and we do not want to be distracted with administrative hassle while we are focusing on getting your side effects in control.


The intensive itself lasts 10 weeks. After these 10 weeks of intensive coaching, you get one year of membership for free which means, your keep access to all the masterclasses, recordings, and the peer group. After one year your free membership stops.

Will the calls be in English?

Christine understands and speaks English, Dutch, and German. So the weekly coaching calls and the documents like your local side effects protocols you want to discuss can be in those three languages.
The weekly Q&As will be in English since those will be held with all the coaching groups together, which means you will broaden your network and learn from your peers.

Do both of us need to attend the calls live?

No, that’s not necessary and would slow down the progress since it is quite difficult to get everyone on a call. But it is always better when you join live.

Will the calls be recorded?

Yes, all calls will be recorded and put on the online training platform. After the 10-week Intensive, you get a year of membership for free, which means there will be recordings available for you for the entire length of your membership. After that year you can renew your membership. You will have access to all materials for the time you join.

How do I cancel the membership?

Just send us an email ( letting us know prior to your renewal and we will take you off the membership subscription.

Do I need to know the name of my colleague yet?

No worries. You do not need to know the name and email address of your colleague who will join you yet which means you have more time to decide who will be your best partner in crime😊. You can add or modify your colleague’s name at any time. Just send an email to and our community manager will take care of it.

Can I join even when I’m self-employed?

Sure you can! In this case, you can invite a colleague you want to join the program with. This way you can also share the costs and benefit from each other’s support.

How does my colleague get access to all the material?

After your payment, just email the name and best email addresses of your colleague to and our community manager will take care that you and your colleague get access to the program. In case of a split payment (you pay 50% and your colleague pays the other 50%) both of you automatically get access to CancerMed Valley, CancerMed’s online Side Effects Campus, and will be in the loop for the updates through email.

What do I need to have in place to take this intensive?

First, you’ll need reliable internet access and Google Chrome which means actual access to the learning material.
More importantly, you need to be action-driven and be willing to put in the work. If you’re reading this far, I think you already know you have what it takes.

Can I access the recordings and masterclasses through a mobile device?

Yes! Through the ‘Huddle’ app, you have access to all the Masterclasses on the go which means, no matter where you are, you have access to the side effects mastery content. You will find instructions in the Welcome Module inside CancerMed Valley, CancerMed's online Side Effects Campus.

Have a question that's not answered here?

Email and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have, or

book a Discovery Call.


While it is absolutely possible for you to achieve excellent side effects delivery during this coaching program, we cannot take responsibility for your side effects delivery and are not making a specific promise regarding your side effects success score.

If you take action and implement the strategies, you will absolutely see tangible results, but these will differ from practice to practice. Individual outcomes will depend on a lot of factors - skills and capabilities, work ethic, mindset, and diligence in applying these strategies. Taking action is necessary. This is not for you if you won't give effort and time to learn. 

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